School Fees

  • Fees are payable in advance as follows :-
  • For the months of April - April
  • For the months of May & June - May
  • For the months of July, August & September - July
  • For the months of October, Nov. & Dec - October
  • For the months Jan, Feb & March - January
  • If fees are not paid for three consecutive months, the name of the students will be struck off the roll of the school and Rs. 1000/- will be charged as Re-admission Fee in addition to tuition fee and fine.No reminder will be issued by the school in this respect.
  • Fees payment may be through Bank Draft/Core Banking/Cash . In case of Bank draft /Core Banking it should be payable to Toppers Convent School HDFC bank account no:- 50200069549183 IFSC code:- HDFC0002605 Account holder name:-Toppers Convent school through bank requires an intimation to the school through S.M.S providing details like: Student(s) name, Adm. No, Class, Date of deposit, Amount and Name of bank
  • School fee in general is a subject to change from time to time according to the changing price index.
  • Fees for respective month should be deposited before 15th of the month or late payment will be subject to late fine as mentioned below:-
Delay Period Late Fine
For one month 300 50
For second consecutive month 900 150
For third consecutive month 1800 300
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